Wednesday, August 15, 2012

D Day -Beginning Of The Unislim Journey!

Well, today is D day!

No. It's not 'decision' day as in the original meaning of the D in the phrase.  The decision is already made.  It's not 'diet' day.  I am eliminating that word from this blog as it conjures up another d word, 'deprivation'! The D in my D day means 'DO'.  So it's 'Do' day for me!

When I woke up this morning, my negative 'monkey mind' started to chatter.  It started to give me all the reasons why I shouldn't bother to join Unislim.  It reminded me how I had started a weight loss programme before and given up when my friends did, only to pile on even more pounds.  It told me that I didn't need to lose weight.  After all there are people much larger than me out there. It told me that it would be dangerous to drive to the meeting as there is a gale and storm alert. It told me that it would be awful to join on my own.  The negative part of my mind kept on and on and the positive part tried to get a word in. What about your low mood, low energy and high cholesterol, it whispered.

So what did I do?  How did I quell the negative voice and feed the positive one so that it could come forward to motivate me? I went onto the Unislim Facebook chat page and 'spoke' to some of the amazing people there. I looked back on a post that I made the other day asking others if they had joined with someone else or alone?  Some had joined with others but most had gone alone.  Either way, everyone agreed they must do it for themselves and that only they themselves could do it. It is the responsibiltiy of each person alone, as Emma Dunne mentions in her last Unislim Blog Post. Emma asked me what advice I would give to a friend who was making excuses.  I said that I would tell my friend that if she was feeling that bad, had low energy and mood, she had a duty of care to herself to change things.  I said that I would tell her that if she was really sick and tired  of being sick and tired, then she owed it to herself to take action.  Emma suggested I tell that to MYSELF!

I was starting to feel quite excited until I spoke to my mother on the phone.  I know that she loves me a lot but she has a tendency to always give a negative answer to things first.  She never really thinks about what she is saying before she says it, although she often backtracks at a later time.  Sometimes the damage is done but trying to be a caring and enlightened person, I try to let it pass without argument. When I mentioned to her that I was joining Unislim this evening, she pah pahed the idea, pointing out that I had failed before.  She said it is a waste of time and money and I won't stick to it.  She also mentioned the storm warning today and said it would be too dangerous to drive.  All things that I have heard before from the negative voice in my own head with the excuses I had this morning why I shouldn't go. Instead of rowing with her, I took a deep breath and told her I am doing it anyway and there is no time like the present!

So that's what I am going to do.  Come rain or shine, storm or gale, I will be at my first Unislim meeting tonight!

Feel free to comment, join as a reader and offer words of advice.  All motivation gratefully received!


  1. Claire it is the best decision you can possibly make. You are doing it for all the right reasons, and for that reason you can make it work for you. Every day will produce new challenges, and with the support of people sharing your journey you will succeed.

    1. I am off to a good start! The class was great and I really feel I can do it.

  2. Good on you!!! Good to reach out too and make a statement!
